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Velkommen til Stenurten
Her på hjemmesiden kan du finde informationer om den integrerede institution Stenurten, læse nyhedsbreve, se billeder fra aktiviteter samt finde nyttige og relevante oplysninger.
Desuden vil du kunne læse om vores pædagogiske retning, som vi kalder relationslæring. Du vil kunne gå på opdagelse i vore værdier, vore tanker og menneskesynet bag samt vores metode til at organisere vores pædagogiske hverdag. Du vil opdage vi er ret klare på vores faglige ståsted og på det, vi tror på fungerer i det samfund, vi lever i nu og i det, vi er på vej til. Vores pædagogik har klare spor til både psykologiske og sociologiske tanker.
Du vil sikkert med fordel kunne gå ind under Hvorfor eller hvorfor ikke Stenurten, som en hurtig scanning til, om du får lyst til at læse videre.
Vi håber I vil gøre flittigt brug af Stenurtens hjemmeside og holde jer ajour med de informationer og oplysninger vi har og fortsat ligger på siden.
Rundvisning af institution for evt kommende forældre til ventelisten i 2025; alle dage kl 10.00 og ingen tilmelding:
05. Februar
08. maj
27. august
19. november
God fornøjelse
Abstract in english
We welcome you to our website. As this website is mainly for parents or future-parents in Stenurten, the text is in danish. We are though aware that foreigners also have an interest in our daycare, so here is a very little summit for you.
We are located in the middle of Nørrebro, Copenhagen - to see map click on to "Kontakt os". Our daycare (children from 1-6 years old) was built in 2002 and is known as the egological daycare. Which means that our house is buildt with egological friendly materiales - a lot of them are recycled and are mainly stone, wood and solarglass. Therefore it makes sense for us to work active with teaching the children and their families an understanding for taking care of the enviroment. And taking care of eachother living in it.
To make an example, we recycle our leftovers from the kitchen and when it becomes soil we use that for planting new vegetables, herbs and flowers. In addition to that we do a lot of activities in the nature, not at least in our belonging kindergarden in a nearby forest.
Beside our focus on enviromentally activies, we work with different aesthetically and creative activies in an organized daily practice where learning and the relationship to each other are highly focused and where empathic behaviours and manners are recognized as skills needed in the future.
If you are a group of people wishing to visit our daycare, you can either contact the manager directly or contact the citycouncil.
Are you a future-parent, please contact us directly
A small appertizer can be seen if you click on to "Billedgalleri", where there is a small collection of photos available.